"Nouvel Coupling of Boundary Integral and Finite Element Methods for the Fluid Structure Interactions of a Microcapsule in Flow"
Anne-Virginie Salsac
(Researcher, Université de Technologie de Compiègne, Bioengineering Department, Laboratory Biomechanics and Bioengineering (UMR CNRS 6600), France)
We introduce a novel method to study the fluid-structure interaction between a microcapsule and an external flow. An explicit finite element method is used to model the large deformation of the capsule wall, which is treated as a bidimensional hyperelastic membrane. It is coupled with a boundary integral method to solve for the internal and external Stokes flows. The new method is validated by comparison of the results with previous studies in a classical test case: a capsule in a simple shear flow. The method is found to be numerically stable, efficient and in very good agreement with previous studies.
和田 仁
(東北大学大学院工学研究科 バイオロボティクス専攻 バイオメカニクス講座
生体機械工学分野 教授)
西澤 松彦
(東北大学大学院工学研究科 バイオロボティクス専攻 バイオマイクロマシン工学講座 教授)
新井 史人
(東北大学大学院工学研究科 バイオロボティクス専攻 ロボティクス講座
知能メカトロニクス分野 教授)